Naruto is a Japanese Anime and it is based on a Japanese Manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. It is a story about a young boy called Naruto Uzumaki. He is a young Ninja who seeks recognition from his dream of becoming the Hokage. People may think how an Anime series could possibly help to understand life but this article will help you to learn so many things differently to understand life and try to help you to be a better person. While reading this article please do not think that how could you become a magical Ninja in real life and also stop thinking about Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Summoning Jutsu, Chakra, Susanoo, Tailed Beasts or any other unreal things from the Naruto series.
Everybody has Their Reasons in Life
In life we meet a lot of people. Some we like or some we do not. Some people we fall in love with and some we just hate. There are billions of people in the world we live with. They have billions of personalities, characters and beliefs. We can not always find the people who will have the same point of views about life. Life has infinite possibilities and outcomes. So more or less we are starting to dislike people who do not have the same personalities, characters and beliefs. Without even realizing the majority of the time those dislikes become hates. Then some of us get into realities where in our minds those people become the villains and we become the heroes. We do not even try to understand what they’re trying to do in their lives. What are the sufferings, pains and regrets of their lives so far. Are they really that bad for society or just that we do not like those people? Everyone has their own stories where they live as the lead character of that individual story. For example there are so many characters in the Naruto series that we can follow through. Jiraiya, Itachi, Sasuke, Pain(Nagato), Obito, Tobirama, Madara and so many characters have their conflicted stories that you can follow to understand the different reasons for their lives.
Do Not Try to Judge People All the Time
We always try to judge people by so many things for so many reasons. Sometimes we judge people even for fun without even thinking. Maybe they are not what we think of them. Sometimes we do not even know any part of their stories of what they have been through. Why do they become someone that we try to hate so much? It does not mean nobody is wrong or we never should react to someone. Because our lives are short so we can not try to understand everyone’s story or just can not just never react to inhuman acts of others. But sometimes people just act on their own perspectives. They do not even have some pure evil plans. So we should not always guess or judge people as pure evils for some conflicts of lives. Those just could have happened randomly. It is not only because if we think like this then we will try to hurt them or it will not be good for our society but it is also because it will be bad for your mental peace. For example Itachi is a fan favorite character from the Naruto series. The majority of the fans hated him at the beginning of the series because they didn’t even know his perspectives and beliefs. They just judged him too soon and for that they all started hating him. In the end they got all wrong.
Not Always Revenge in Necessary
Until some people are some pure evils we should not be considered them as we are enemies for life. It will not just hurt them in the process but also clear impacts on our lives too. We will lose our clear minds. Our lives goals and dreams will be out of focus for a time. So it is good for everyone to have a peaceful mind without hungering for revenge. Revenge is a knife which has sharpness in both ends. If we try to cut someone with that knife then it may be possible that we even cut ourselves too in the process. We have to understand before taking any revenge that it is necessary or not and the reasons we want to do it. For example Naruto taught us this all through Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. Naruto even tried to understand the real reasons of Pain(Nagato) and Obito that why they did what they did. Pain(Nagato) was the one who killed his master Jiraiya and his sensei Kakashi. Obito was the one who was the reason for the deaths of his parents. Even then Naruto tried to understand why they did it in the first place.
Always Stand Up for What Is Right
Not always we try to understand what is right. Even if sometimes we understand what is right even then we hesitate to do something about it. Maybe it is because we are afraid that the majority of the people are against it. Or maybe some powerful people are standing between us and doing the right thing. Or maybe if we try to do the right thing we have to stand against the loved ones of our lives. Or maybe it can be against our own selves. Whatever it is, always at least try to stand with justice. It is not easy and not always we can do it but at least we should always try to be. For example Naruto always stands for what is right even when he was a stupid and weak kid who had no one to back him up.
It Is Never Too Late
Life is full of possibilities and different realities. We all know that much. The things we do today will conflict in our future selves. In life we walk on the roads of life, some roads are good and some are bad. Most of us regret our past decisions. We can not change them but there is a point we have to understand we are doing wrong. It has never been so late to say no more. We can be manipulated by someone or just doing something by suffering from our pains but there is no way we can keep doing that just because we think it is too late for us to change it. For example Obito was manipulated by Madara and Pain(Nagato) was suffering from Yahiko‘s death. They did terrible things in their lives for that but when they understood what they were doing all along then they not only stopped what they were doing but also stood against it.
Never Give Up On True Friendships
We make so many friends in our lives. We choose them in our lives. Majority of the people just can’t live without friends. In our modern lives friends are one of those relationships that you choose to stay with without any official attachment. There is no bonding by blood or by any paper. Our parents and relatives are our blood. Then if we get married then it makes bonds by papers. Friends do not have any officiality. If we want to leave a friend today we can leave that friend today easily. To find a true friend in our short lifetime is so hard that most of us do not find any in our lifetime. If we find them then we should not give up on them that easily because it is worth fighting for. For example in the Naruto series we saw so many great friendship stories like Madara & Hashirama, Obito & Kakashi, Yahiko & Nagato and especially Naruto & Sasuke. No matter what Naruto never gives up on Sasuke even when the world is against him.
Believing In Our Dreams
We all have dreams and goals in our lives. But through time we just give up on them. Day by day our dreams and goals start fading. What we believe in once after a time they feel unreal to us. This is one of the important parts to learn from Naruto. For example Naruto never gave up on his dream even though his dream was so unreal that almost everybody started laughing at him after hearing his dream. Nowadays promises do not mean anything to us. We start breaking promises everyday. The most terrifying part is we even break the promises of our own selves too. Naruto made a promise to himself that he will be Hokage someday and kept his promise to the very end. Now some people will say that it is just a series created by a writer because of it Naruto became the Hokage. It is not real life. But even in reality we may be fulfilling our dreams or maybe not but the point is we have to believe in our dreams and keep the promises we once made with ourselves. People will criticize us or maybe they will laugh at us but we have to fight for our dreams because nobody else will. In the end we all are going to die soon because life is really short. There is a saying “Die with memories not dreams”. Even if we will not completely fulfill our dreams, even then we will have peace in our hearts to give our hundred percent to our dreams.